Monday, October 23, 2006

Pirates and Whores

Ahoy Maties,

I was disappointed to learn that the flat warming I was most looking forward to this year is not happening. However the responsibility to host this party (themed pirates and whores) has been passed on to me. And what better flat to have it at than The Black Pearl (well thats if that name gets voted in and with other contenders such as (dare I say it) 'Amy is a slut' it is not certain). Hence I am warning you now so that you can get your costumes ready. Ninjas beware.

So I was in bed the other night thinking about this party and it hit me. Seems its a guy based flat why not have Pirates playing in the background - Im sure the guys (not you James as you will probably object to this as theres no Georges clad in football attire) will appreciate it. So after swearing to take photographic evidence of the night I am now left with setting a date and deciding on my costume.

P.s Tyson you should go as a whore - it will suit you better (love you)


Alastair said...

Ummm... Amy, you're meant to actually post something other than just the title... yeah... just thought we should tell you that. I mean its okay, we understand you don't have technology in Hamilton and this move to civilisation was a big change for you. We're here to help you.

Amy said...

it wont post it! im confused

Amy said...

Yay I did it all by myself