Monday, October 30, 2006


Yesterday I was the most stressed I've ever been. I'm not as stressed anymore. My exam went ok -better than expected- so that's good. I would like to apologise to the following people for my stress-induced actions:

- Benny for trying to fight him constantly.
- Jamie for attacking him with the baseball bat and then chasing him down the corridor and throwing it at him.
- James and Tyson for trashing the double A.

But it all honesty, you guys were probably all asking for it, at least a little bit...


Alastair said...

Oh and sorry to amy too for throwing a complete sandwich at her... and a buttered piece of bread...

Alastair said...

Actually, apology to Amy is retracted because she left without saying goodbye to me. I'm not talking to her anymore.

james said...

hey man u didnt get up 2 say gudbye, hows it her fault.

Alastair said...

Hey man I was up at 6:30 that day so you can hardly say I didn't get up. What makes it her fault is that she told us to meet her in the double A at half past to say goodbye and I was there at 9:25 along with a couple of other people and she was nowhere to be seen. Hence, her fault.