Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Stealing shit

Although I saddens me to make a post considering that this now means the Pink Pearls again has more posts on it than Greg and Al's Excellent Adventure (although this is still winning number-of-hits wise), I'd prefer it was me that made the post that surpassed my other blog rather than some woman, a foreigner or a darkie. Anyway, there may be the possibilty to steal some stuff in that my 7th form form teacher who left soon into the year to become Deputy at Queen Margeret's husband's mother died and her house is being split up between my brother's flat (they got in first and have taken most stuff), another col flat (they seem to have yaken most of the rest) and whatever is left we can probably have. I'm not sure what there is but if people could put some stuff in the comments that me might want or if James wants to come too because I can't really take the stuff with me in the plane anyway so he'd have to stash it in his mum's car. Yeah. Dig it.

-is it possible our parents are making a secret network to control us because my mum was talking to James' mum today and that's only ever happened once before when we were dumping Tyson on her.
-did tyson get dreads?
-where is amy these days?
-how black is James now considering he was sunbathing the other day
-is kate planning on leaving her bastard samoan children in the Studholme garden because that's what you do with polynesian babies in dunedin?


james said...

hey al bro - amy and i feuding cuz she challenged me to a race to dunnerz and as it was obvious i was going to win she has run away to auz. slut. dats why she all quiet, livin in shame.
also, pr8y ill come raid man, least we could do is steal the light bulbs and the seals to the fridge, u can never hav enough fridge seals.

Tyson said...

Yeah I didn't get dreads. I got back to Canada and when I went out one night one of my friends that I haven't seen in awhile commented "OH MY GOD TYSON I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN AGES YOU LOOK AWFUL YOU SHOULD LET ME CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!" She's loud and she went to beauty school. In the end she took the day off work so her friend ended up cutting my hair. Bitch.