Monday, February 05, 2007

Public Holidays

Apparently tommorow is Waitangi Day but I won't be partaking in the festivities. I've decided that enough is enough and it's time for people like us to take a stand. Waitangi Day is one of those bullshit holidays that falls during the University holidays so we don't even get a day off class. Fuck that. I have no respect for a public holiday that doesn't get me out of doing stuff. So tommorow I will be acting like there is no Waitangi day by doing what I would normally be doing otherwise -in other words nothing. I encourage other people to take a stand and follow my example.

I shall also be buoycotting Otago Anniversary Day and Labour Weekend -two more of such bullshit pseudo-holidays. Easter is still fine because we get Good Friday off at the end of term 1 and so is Christmas because it is the reason for the 4 month summer holiday.

Lousy honkies can't even rip off the Maori during our term time...

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