Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flat warming

its officially over, wat a nite
to recap,

Tyson - after the departure of his missus resigned himself to drink away his loss, leading to his dark side being unleashed, last seen ravaging a kfc coupon.

Al - with his scoring mission thwarted, although his cocktail of downers was most at fault, he turned his attention to chronic liver abuse

Kate - *cough*vomited*cough* but a stunner effort, the last standing flatmate.

Amy - totally and completely gone, her nite was pretty much over b4 it began.

James - wandering onto the pda couch lead to a mean as nite


Alastair said...

I dispute the "cocktail of downers comment". A single ingredient is not a cocktail (neither is vodka mixed with rum for that matter, James). And they weren't downers. You're a downie.

On another note, mix it up with the swirl... yeah!

james said...

bro on a side note i dont think ive seen a sober picture of you or tyson b4

SC TC said...

"I dispute your face". No, all in all, a great flat warming. Although the last two hours i have no recollection of.