Friday, April 27, 2007

Flat Warming --- 2 nite

Whoa flat warming 2nite and the important provision of alcohol for the purposes of wonton reckless imbibing has been well underway for days now. Al, without rest, has been brewing and distilling forth's finest elixar and, courtesy of knox, a punch worthy of the event has been chosen

Knoxie Knockout
per 25L
6L vodka
1 bottle wine
1 bottle sparkling
1L strong tea
5L lemonade
5L soda water
umm some other stuff i think

needless to say the 50L of punch will be enough to fortify us to complete our proposed plans for the night (which all seem to involve scoring, although with drastically different motives and aims, from the girl wanting to see double(i really shuldnt need to point out which of the girls has this aim) to the noble (scoring a non-kc's girl - albeit his lack of i.d. is the main factor in that one it's noble nonetheless)

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