Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Yunonov Market

Hey army mike, dont have your email and apparently only 2 of my texts have made it back through russia's phone system so im guessing you wont get this but you'd love this place- i heard of this saturday market in st petersburg called yunonov which is where everything is illegal - while the claims of cheap ak47's from street stalls is unproven(guess you have to know them, or look like a round head) but the market did have everything from grotesque german porn to grotesque german tourists (heaps of german men come here and to east europe for hookers). it fact it was kinda sad. the market was kinda reined in (much like panthip plaza in bangkok these days) but they had bazillions of stolen? army stuff for sale and you could buy full current russian military police uniforms for 30 bucks US.- baton included.

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