Thursday, October 26, 2006


Jamie attempted to mouth-rape me and kissed my chin. You can't say that counts as scoring. If anything it counts as sexual assualt. Now you wouldn't make fun of a girl if Jamie had ambushed her in the gardens and done some kinky bondage shit to her on the gates, so this should not be a joke.

Now you may say I'm taking this too far, but this most certainly counts as sexual violation under the Rape Crisis New Zealand criteria. It should also be noted that according to this website only 15% of sexual assault victims actually go to the police, so it seems I am in the silent majority, as sad as this is.

In a country where it is claimed that 1 in 4 women will experience sexual violence of some nature during their lives and the figures for men are considered only the tip of the iceberg due to societal pressures stopping men reporting it, monsters like Jamie must be labelled as what they are -rapists. If this man has assaulted you then please post your story in the comments -you're privacy and anonimity is guaranteed... kind of.

However, I don't know what Amy and Kate's excuses are. I guess they're just sluts.


Anonymous said...

I think the term is "pterodactyl"? I agree with you Al, definitely doesn't count as a score.

SC TC said...

I disagree. It's a score. And a fair score. So did Jamie Consent to this picture? Seems somewhat defamatory if he didn't.