Ummmm so I was walking past the chapel just then, and there was a ghost in their. But don't worry, he wasn't scary. It's not like I wet myself and had to run to my room to change. The ladies should know that I mastered the art of continence long ago (impressive aye?). Anyway so the ghost was actually a friendly ghost... I think. It definitely was no Casper -it was more friendly in a 'hey I'm retarded' kind of way. Like that first time you meet Jamie.
But then Jesus was there as well and he was like 'oi you ghost, what are you doing in my chapel?!' Then, even though it was sunny and the sun was actually in the chapel so it should have been like really hot and light, it went really dark and cold. Then Jesus started going all dragonball-z on the ghost and the whole chapel ended up getting flattened. So yeah, that's what happened. I took a photo:
Was it the same ghost that took down all your posters when you were sleeping?
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