As many of you probobly didn't know there is actually five bedrooms in the Pink Pearl. As of a short time ago we had only filled four of these. Unfortunately, we have now found another flatmate to fill this vancancy. Or rather she found us... It was actually kind of creepy really. Me and Alastair were quietly getting blackout drunk on a mini keg of some abstract russian beer (Baltika V) when WHAM! Out of nowhere Al had syphillus and Kate had appeared. She told us to call her Kate since to pronouce her real name we would have to dislocate our jaws and scream obscenities while choking on the blood we lost while cutting out our own tongues. We figured she must be foreign. Below is an artist's rendering of what this encounter actually looked like.

As many of you probobly didn't know there is actually five bedrooms in the Pink Pearl. As of a short time ago we had only filled four of these. Unfortunately, we have now found another flatmate to fill this vancancy. Or rather she found us... It was actually kind of creepy really. Me and Alastair were quietly getting blackout drunk on a mini keg of some abstract russian beer (Baltika V) when WHAM! Out of nowhere Al had syphillus and Kate had appeared. She told us to call her Kate since to pronouce her real name we would have to dislocate our jaws and scream obscenities while choking on the blood we lost while cutting out our own tongues. We figured she must be foreign. Below is an artist's rendering of what this encounter actually looked like.

Disclaimer: Artist may have been drunk on mysterious/magical beer whilst experiencing the above situation. Also, artist may be generally retarded or "reality challenged."
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