Sunday, October 22, 2006

Awwwww how cute!

Many of you will have heard about James' recent hot date to a secluded piece of New Zealand's pristine coastline for a romantic horse ride (those of you that haven't must be our random American visitors -it is good to see that we are already developing a halfcore -we're not quite hardcore yet- fanbase).

Obviously I decided to tag along and take photos, and one of the best is shown below. It is very candid because they did not know I was watching. Not that I'm a stalker or anything... everyone photographs their neighbours in the shower, right? Anyway, the photo (which is of very high quality by the way) -I have labelled it so it is more easy to see what I have drawn... I mean photographed:

See what I did there? I turned this whole post into an elaborate way of saying that James is whipped! How clever was that? I'd say about a seven.


Alastair said...

no you are

Anonymous said...

Aww, lovely! I'm so proud of my lil' sis... growing up to be just like me!
PS. lovely drawings al... you really are quite talented :P :D

james said...

burn al

Anonymous said...

yep ouch